Sunday, June 23, 2013

Many of the Firsts :)

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Within these past five days, I have had many new firsts!!
  • Watched the movie "Rising Girls"
  • Visited a K-Mart
  • First Visit to the Safehouse!!! :)
  • Dinner Date with friends from Texas (Shout out to the Carignans)
  • Night out in the city with the group
  • Shake Shack! Just...Yes :)
  • Laundry in the City
  • Attempt to finish the book "Girls like Us" //I highly recommend this//

The movie Rising Girls was a highly satisfying documentary like film, with a movie like feel. Also, the information is elementary age appropriate as well as mind quenching for the aged human being. Various aspects and stories from women in numerous countries are revealed, and how they became "Rising Girls". I don't want to be that *spoiler alert* gal, so no more details shall be shared, GO WATCH IT!
P.S. Wadley is so Adorable.

I didn't want to be the tiny tiniest bit late for an event I needed to attend... so I arrived an hour early sort of by accident. *oops* Anywhoo, since I had some time on my hands I visited a K-Mart! I see the commercials on TV back home for this store, but never actually was in the location to visit one. Let me tell you... ITS FREAKING COOL... well actually it was just really conveniently placed because I really needed to buy socks for my flats... walking around in the city has really revealed how woosey my feet are. Seriously though, DFW lets protest to get K-Marts when I come home! (that sell fair trade LOGOFF products of course) ;)

My first day at the safe home was a blast! For those of you who do not know what a safehome is, here is a brief description: a location in which victims of trauma (in the case of this missionary internship they are survivors of human sex trafficking) can have a safe place to stay, restore, and rebuild their life. I will admit I was a bit nervous to converse with such, what I personally viewed as fragile beings, but they are just like any other girl. They like to be pampered, they love the beach, they like to go on bike rides and walks. All the while there is a slight verbal barrier, this will only strengthen my desire to fluently learn a 2nd language even more so. It's really inspiring to see people of multi-cultures combine as a unified support system to rebuild each other under one roof. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to converse with these ladies, whether it be through verbal sound or actions. Also it is not just a one sided impact, as much as I am there to help them during their restoration period, they are having a significant impression on my own journey of growth  as well. No one is ever fully out of construction, until we reach the BIG G, and even then we might be forever learning. So on that first day, the girls and I baked chocolate chip cookies! Oh my, my, my, what a lovely treat that was for my taste buds! We also watched Sherlock Holmes and painted each others nails! I cannot wait to see their smiling faces again this coming week!

This past Friday as a group we had free time and decided to grab a treat at the legendary Shake Shack and wander about Times Square. It's been wonderful to see many of us going from strangers to knowing each others quirks to pondering ideals with in one week. I truly see so much potential for everyone of these people called to intern with NYCUP Summer 2013! Love you all!  

XOXO -Manda

1 comment:

  1. Thre used to K-Marts back home Manda, but they closed when I was like 15-16 so that'd be about 10-11 years ago now.
